Sunday, January 31, 2010

Walmart's External Environment

A. Technological- Walmart uses a private satellite network and various other technologies to maximize effectiveness of their operations.

B. Economic- Despite the economic downturn; Walmart boast substantial growth in sales returns.

C. Global- Walmart has stores worldwide, and the store believes in adapting to standard protocol for each country.

D. Legal- Walmart has several pending lawsuits regarding discrimination against women. Lawsuits state that women were denied managerial positions.

E. Demographic- Walmart is one of the largest employer. In foreign countries, Walmart hires local workers.

F. Sociocultural- Walmart enploys a cost leadership strategy. Walmart offers afforable prices to the low income market.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent examples. Glad to see you putting this up. Just what one expects. I am not sure how Walmart does with legal on a "per employee" basis - i.e., I had heard they had fewer suits per employee than many other firms, but they have such a huge employment base, absolute numbers look big...I.E., they have 1.2 million employees
